I Moved!


Follow me at www.rosiehartmann.com

Twitter @RosieHartmann

Instagram: rosie.hartmann

Facebook: RosieH.Art

I have tried to follow most of the people I followed here on the new one but would love to reconnect if I did not!

New Website

Ok most of the bugs are worked out.  I am now at http://www.rosiehartmann.com I hope you will all follow over!  At the end of this week this domain will automatically forward to the new one.  🙂






adjective \tə-ˈnā-shəs\

: not easily stopped or pulled apart : firm or strong


Old Salt Union is a ridiculous string band.  These guys are humble, soft-spoken and amazingly nice.  You almost wonder talking to them and seeing how laid back they are if they would bring it when they start playing.  Oh yes they did bring it. I know string bands sound better live.  Their videos seemed to say they could not sound better live they sound so good on video.  Wrong.  They sound even better live.

On top of being ridiculously talented they are tenacious.  Together for just around a year and already they have over ten thousand likes on their videos.  There are almost 3,800 likes on their Facebook page.  They are going at it strong.  I doubt anything will stop them.

Talent and tenacity, yup I am inspired.  I am so grateful that Kochanski’s Concertina Hall does what it can to bring in bands like this from out-of-town. That night was truly a gift of great friendship, awesome music and a dose of inspiration.

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nwkZGgnj_U0  <<< My personal Favorite song.

http://oldsaltunion.com/ <<<website where you can see all of Old Salt Union’s doings and accomplishments.

Synchronicity, it happens.



These rowers practice every day at this location I sit at.  It’s beautiful to see them glide through the water.  They get so far so fast by working as a team.  The row boats simply glide through the water as if by magic.  There appears to be no effort but we all know there is.

The rowers being at this new spot may seem to be unconnected to anything going on in my life.  But they prove a point that when you are expending the right energy and effort you can glide through life.  You do not have to fight the current.  You simply have to exert the right efforts.  Once you apply effort in the right form you glide through the day.

Part of my inability on occasion to apply the right effort is my inability to have faith in my instincts.  Fighting yourself is the wrong place to exert effort.  I had a long talk with a completely random person yesterday.  Also unconnected to anything in my life yet somehow it brought all the points home on just listen to your instincts and exert the right efforts.

I cheated myself.


Every day I go down by Lake Michigan and have some me time.  I try to shut out the world, listen to my music selection for the day and sometimes I write in my journal.  Today I was running late.  I had 5 minutes to sit at the place you see as yesterday’s POD.   It was not enough time.  I cheated myself.

Having time to reflect on the upcoming day, life’s events or whatever feels the need to cross you mind is soothing.  It adds a moment of tranquility.  Yesterday I had 45 minutes and the skies where perfect for the picture you see of the Allen Bradley building and the Hoan Bridge.  Having your own time and your own space is amazing.  It also is directly responsible for this picture and a few others.

Having even 5 minutes in a day that is for you is also better than having no time.  The solitude that is gained from spending some time on you is immense.  So today I say take at least 5 minutes for you.


Also gentle reminder the blog is moving to http://www.rosiehartmann.com hope to see you there!




Simplicity is the black and white picture.  Elegant, simple and yet thought-provoking.  Sometimes I complicate my life.  By that, I mean, all the time.  I am working on fixing that.  The biggest problem currently on the lack of simplicity is the 5 domains I control.  That has to go.  So in the line of the POD picture I am going to simplify.  I am combing two of the sites, keeping one separate and the other two are really no longer needed.  Those two are going.

As a result … The blog is moving!  The new blog is www.rosiehartmann.com.  I hope you follow me over there!  I plan of searching out each of the blogs I have followed and re-following you all.  I have found in WordPress blogs something I never knew was out there.  It has enriched my world.

The weight lifted on the how and whys of doing all of this stuff was amazing.  I encourage you go find one thing today to simplify.  It makes a huge difference.  I know this is going to start a roller coaster for me of simplifying and I can’t wait to fill the new-found time with new and exciting things!

I will be double posting for a week and then after that I will forward the odesispro.com to the new domain.  Sorry for the trouble I am causing you but I anticipate a better more well rounded website from this!


Why make a choice if you don’t have to?


I live right on an alley.  This alley is magical in summer.  There are numerous people who grow flowers.  These neighbors of my mine are amazing with what they do.  There are so many flowers that occasionally I think I can actually smell them in the air.

I absolutely love flowers.  Yesterday I took the walk down the alley and had way too many pictures of these flowers.  Two of those pictures really stood out.  There was no way I could make a choice between the two. Why make a choice you do not have to make?  I merged them together and came up with something that was more.  The two pictures together catch the magic of the alley.

I especially loved that it was the daisy and day lily picture that caught my attention.  Who does not love the romance of a Daisy and the energy of an orange Day Lily?

Choices are funny things.  Sometimes refusing to choose leads to a better place.

Gonna have to try this out


Just one time I want to see if I can walk this wheel.  It looked like this guy, Melvin, was having so much fun.  He absolutely made the mark on approaching his craft with joy.  He played to the crowd and he looked like he was in heaven doing it.  It got me to thinking.

I do have time to do more things like calling this guy up and seeing if I can make trying it out happen.  So this week I am going to call him and see if I can make it happen.  Why not?  I have not tried something new in a while, it is about time.  His website says you can learn and that information is coming soon.  (http://wackywheeler.com/ )

Trying new things gives you a new view of the world.  A new view of the world makes you more confident.  A new confidence adds a new sense of hope and adventure.

Want More!


When I was a 5th grader I wanted to collect something, anything.  It all started when my sister’s godmother, who is also my crazy aunt that is amazing, sat me down and explained to me that her responsibilities to my sister where different.  She explained what it meant to be an aunt and what it meant to be a godparent.    She also explained to me because she was Mollie’s Godmother she wanted to start a collection for Mollie.  I completely understood. It is amazing that when you explain something to a kid how well that works. I never felt less in my Crazy Aunt’s eyes.

I had a field trip to Cedarburg, WI.   At the time I was given $5 to spend at the stores of Cedarburg, WI.  Five whole dollars!  That was a ton back then.   I found a shop that had these little soaps.  I had enough of the $5 left to get one.  I looked and looked at them.  I knew what I was looking for; something more for myself, something to collect. Then I saw it, the hippo made of soap.  It was so cute and bubbly looking.  That began my hippo collection.  That was in the wonderful year of 1985.

As you can see from the POD I am still going strong after almost 30 years!  I want to ALWAYS be that fifth grade kid wanting more for myself.  I want to aspire, hope and dream for more.  If a fifth grader can make something that big happen what can you do as an adult?


A special thanks to my Stepson for this lovely hippo I got from him yesterday!



Today you do not get to read about the actual POD picture, nope it’s all mine.  The thing about it is this; anything I could or would write about this picture is not blog-able for me.  I could make something up about it but why?  I would much rather write about an archive picture.

So you get something similar to what the POD picture was.  Music, it’s all about the music. When I hear music I also see music.  In my brain when I hear music that is magical or somehow important to me I see images in my head.  It can be an explosion of colors, shapes, scenes or any combination of the above.  The things I see in my brain when I hear music is random and moving.  It adds to the music for me.  It shows me the flow of the rhythm of the piece.  It adds to the feel of the music.

The lyrics become secondary to the effect the music has on my soul.  The lyrics however are always right there whispering in my ear begging to be heard.  The lyrics and the music somewhere during the song become one and it’s a lovely dance in my head the two do.  I do not ever seek to control how I am thinking when I get really absorbed into music.  It is a beautiful thing. It is an intricate part of how I create.